SAT Reading and Writing Practice Test 84 with Answer Keys AMBIPi

Hi SAT Aspirants, welcome to AKVTutorials. As you know SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test) is a standard test, used for taking admission to undergraduate programs of universities or colleges of United States. SAT is developed and published by the College Board, an organization in United States, administered by the Educational Testing Service. Therefore, you need to do practice on SAT Reading Section, SAT Writing and Language Section. In this article, you will get SAT Reading and Writing Practice Test 84 with Answer Keys AMBIPi.


  • In the passage below is accompanied by a number of questions.
  • For some questions, you need to think how the passage might be revised to improve the expression of ideas.
  • For other questions, you will consider how the passage might be edited to correct errors in sentence structure, usage, or punctuation.
  • Some questions will direct you to an underlined portion of a passage.
  • Other questions will direct you to a location in a passage or ask you to think about the passage as a whole.

SAT Writing & Language Section Passage

SAT Reading and Writing Practice Test Passage Title: The Relevance of Linguae Latinae.

In a world where languages evolve further every day, it seems logical to question the relevance of learning a ‘dead’ language such as Latin. However, this language is still a vital area of study: through their influence on English syntax and vocabulary, Latin principles continue to determine the way we use words and express our thoughts. In addition, studying Latin allows us to maintain the connection we have with the many culturally significant texts that  are originally written in Latin.

 2  Many principles of both English and Italian grammar only make sense when their relationship to Latin is taken into account. Consider, for example, the hotly contested issue of a split infinitive—“they tried to quietly leave.” (In this example, “to leave” is the infinitive.)Because in Latin the infinitive is only one word and cannot be divided, some conservative grammarians admonish that splitting the English infinitive is  3  confused. The English language, however, can accommodate the syntactical division of “to” and “leave.” Studying Latin helps illuminate the origins of this convention. The same principle can also be used to explain many other English conventions, including some grammarians’ prohibition against ending a sentence with a preposition.

 4  However, learning Latin roots can be especially useful for understanding medical terms. For instance, the word ‘persistent’ is a combination of the prefix ‘per’ and the verb ‘to stop or stand’—literally translated, ‘to stand through.’ [1] The Latin language is also  central: to a rich philosophical and literary tradition that has shaped Western culture. [2] While many excellent translations are available, it is impossible to convey the force of Virgil’s carefully metered lines of poetry in English idiom without sacrificing the original structure. [3] In the same way, the simple elegance of Augustine’s syntax and the depth of meaning in his word choice often  is lost in translation. [4] The influence of both these writers and many others can be traced across history to contemporary writing and  7  philosophy, to understand this context is a prerequisite to authentically engaging with these texts. [5] From the Roman poet Virgil to the philosopher Augustine of Hippo, many great writers penned their immortal works in Latin.  8 

Although relatively few people speak Latin today, this language is still a highly relevant area of study. If we want to understand and explain our own language, we need to understand its linguistic ancestry;  in order to understand our contemporary context, we must first grasp our historical context.  10  The ‘dead’ language of Latin lives on in its connections  11  from modern languages, literature, and philosophical traditions. Perhaps its influence can best be summarized by the inversion of a  familiar maxim: ex uno, plures (from one, many).

SAT Reading and Writing Practice Test Questions

Question No 1

Which choice best maintains the sentence pattern already established in the paragraph?

Option A : No Change

Option B : were

Option C : will be

Option D : would be


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Option B : were

Question No 2

Which choice most effectively establishes the main topic of the paragraph? Please choose from one of the following options.

Option A : No Change

Option B : The study of Latin helps generate a new appreciation for the many poets and philosophers who originally wrote in this language.

Option C : The original meanings of many English words are illuminated by a knowledge of their Latin roots.

Option D : The study of Latin exposes the logic behind many issues of English grammar and vocabulary.


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Option D : The study of Latin exposes the logic behind many issues of English grammar and vocabulary.

Question No 3

Which choice provides the most effectively transition to the information that follows?

Option A : No Change

Option B : false.

Option C : amoral.

Option D : incorrect.


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Option D : incorrect.

Question No 4

Which choice provides the most effective transition between the ideas in the preceding sentence and the one that follows?

Option A : No Change

Option B : In addition, some English words can be explained in terms of their Latin roots.

Option C : As is the case with many closely related languages, the actual spellings of Latin and Greek words are also exceptionally similar.

Option D : Furthermore, many Latin phrases have survived as both professional and colloquial expressions.


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Option B : In addition, some English words can be explained in terms of their Latin roots.

Question No 5

Which choice best maintains the sentence pattern already established in the paragraph?

Option A : No Change

Option B : central; to

Option C : central to

Option D : central to:


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Option C : central to

Question No 6

Which choice best maintains the sentence pattern already established in the paragraph?

Option A : No Change

Option B : was

Option C : has been

Option D : are


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Option D : are

Question No 7

Which choice best maintains the sentence pattern already established in the paragraph?

Option A : No Change

Option B : philosophy, understanding

Option C : philosophy to understand

Option D : philosophy; understanding


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Option D : philosophy; understand

Question No 8

To make this paragraph most logical, sentence 5 should be placed

Option A : where it is now.

Option B : before sentence 1.

Option C : after sentence 1.

Option D : after sentence 2.


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Option C : after sentence 1.

Question No 9

Which choice most closely maintains the stylistic pattern established in the first part of the sentence?

Option A : No Change

Option B : if we want to understand our contemporary context,

Option C : understanding our contemporary context requires that

Option D : understanding our contemporary context requires that


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Option B : if we want to understand our contemporary context,

Question No 10

At this point, the writer is considering adding the following sentence. There are other “dead languages” in addition to Latin, such as Middle English, Sanskrit, Coptic, and Akkadian. Should the writer make this addition here?

Option A : Yes, because the conclusion should reiterate the passage’s central claim that Latin is not the dead language

Option B : Yes, because this addition would provide a clear transition to the discussion of the contemporary importance of learning Latin.

Option C : No, because whether or not there are multiple dead languages is largely irrelevant to the main argument of the passage.

Option D : No, because the existence of multiple dead languages has already been discussed in the passage.


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Option C : No, because whether or not there are multiple dead languages is largely irrelevant to the main argument of the passage.

Question No 11

Which choice completes the sentence with accurate data based on the graph?

Option A : No Change

Option B : to

Option C : for

Option D : in


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Option B : to

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