SAT Writing and Language Practice Test 31 with Answer Keys AMBIPi

Hi SAT Aspirants, welcome to AKVTutorials. As you know SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test) is a standard test, used for taking admission to undergraduate programs of universities or colleges of United States. SAT is developed and published by the College Board, an organization in United States, administered by the Educational Testing Service. Therefore, you need to do practice on SAT Reading Section, SAT Writing and Language Section. In this article, you will get SAT Writing and Language Practice Test 31 with Answer KeysAMBIPi


  • In the passage below is accompanied by a number of questions.
  • For some questions, you need to think how the passage might be revised to improve the expression of ideas.
  • For other questions, you will consider how the passage might be edited to correct errors in sentence structure, usage, or punctuation.
  • Some questions will direct you to an underlined portion of a passage.
  • Other questions will direct you to a location in a passage or ask you to think about the passage as a whole.

SAT Writing & Language Section Passage

SAT Writing Passage Title: The Mona Lisa

With her knowing, self-satisfied smile and her eyes that  1  followed viewers around the room, the Mona Lisa has become the most famous and iconic image in the art world. But what is the story behind this Renaissance masterpiece? Who was the woman Leonardo Da Vinci so compellingly captured with – paint?

 2  it is known that the portrait depicts the wife of a Florentine cloth merchant named Francesco del Giocondo. At the Louvre in Paris, where the painting has hung since 1797, the title is given as “Portrait of Lisa Gherardini, wife of Francesco del Giocondo.” Leonardo most likely completed the portrait sometime between 1503 and 1506, when he lived in Florence.   3 

In 2013, Researchers failed  4  in the proof of the subject’s identity by creating an image from DNA extracted from Lisa del Giocondo’s tomb. Even if she were the woman in the painting, its occasion would remain a mystery. Two events in the Giocondo family history have been suggested as possibilities. One is the birth of a son in  1502 the other is the opening of a new home in 1503. But if Francesco del Giocondo had commissioned the painting, why did Leonardo never give it to him? The artist apparently kept it, and it later became part of the French royal collection.

Other theories of the woman’s identity have included both Leonardo’s mother and the artist himself, he was disguised as a woman. The truth remains unknown, but   some researchers are still determined to find it. Members of the Chamber of Commerce might share suggestions about designing transportation and parking facilities to support local businesses.  Leonardo’s masterpiece depicts a relaxed posture with soft lines. He presents the subject from the front instead of in profile.  Nevertheless, the harmony between the woman and the landscape behind her reach a new level of excellence. 

The monetary value of the painting, estimated in 2015 to be nearly $800  10  million cannot do justice to its intrinsic worth. No price will ever capture the genius of this beautiful,   11  mystical and ground-breaking portrait that after 500 years still captures both the eye and the heart. 

SAT Writing & Language Practice Questions

Question No 1

Which choice best maintains the sentence pattern already established in the paragraph?

Option A : No Change

Option B : follow

Option C : had followed

Option D : follows


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Option B : follow

Question No 2

At this point, the writer would like to emphasize that the identity of the person in the portrait is uncertain. Which choice most effectively accomplishes this goal?

Option A : No Change

Option B : The fact is

Option C : The best conjecture is

Option D : It has been established


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Option C : The best conjecture is

Question No 3

Which choice provides the most effectively transition to the information that follows?

Option A : Yes, because it explains why Da Vinci moved to Florence.

Option B : Yes, because it provides important back-ground information related to the Mona Lisa.

Option C : No, because it blurs the focus of the para-graph with a loosely related detail. 

Option D : No, because Leonardo Da Vinci did not spend most of his life in Florence.


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Option C : No, because it blurs the focus of the para-graph with a loosely related detail. 

Question No 4

Which choice results in the most effective transition to the information that follows in the paragraph?

Option A : No Change

Option B : in the attempt to prove

Option C : to produce proof of 

Option D : to prove


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Option D : to prove

Question No 5

Which choice best maintains the sentence pattern already established in the paragraph?

Option A : No Change

Option B : 1502,

Option C : 1502:

Option D : 1502


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Option A : No Change

Question No 6

Which choice best maintains the sentence pattern already established in the paragraph?

Option A : No Change

Option B : himself; cleverly

Option C : himself cleverly,

Option D : himself, cleverly


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Option D : himself, cleverly

Question No 7

Which choice most effectively sets up the information that follows?

Option A : No Change

Option B : the influence of the portrait is indisputable.

Option C : it still manages to attract millions of tourists each year.

Option D : its dollar value continues to climb. 


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Option B : the influence of the portrait is indisputable.

Question No 8

The writer is considering deleting the underlined sentence. Should the sentence be kept or deleted?

Option A : NO CHANGE

Option B : Leonardo depicts

Option C : which depict

Option D : having depicted


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Option A : NO CHANGE

Question No 9

Which choice best maintains the sentence pattern already established in the paragraph?

Option A : No Change

Option B : Leonardo depicts

Option C : which depict

Option D : Alternatively,


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Option C : which depict

Question No 10

Which choice best maintains the sentence pattern already established in the paragraph?

Option A : No Change

Option B : million;

Option C : million,

Option D : million–


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Option C : million,

Question No 11

Which choice completes the sentence with accurate data based on the graph?

Option A : No Change

Option B : full of mystery,

Option C : mysterious,

Option D : mystified,


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Option C : mysterious,

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